Monday, 4 March 2024

The First Old World GT - Orcs and Goblins run rampant!

Hey everyone! It's been a while since my last write up since I haven't felt there has been much worth tracking. However that changes today!

It's exciting times ahead for The Old World, so we're back with another tournament report. This time covering the first ever Old World GT! Held at Umeå in Sweden and host to 34 players. Today we'll be taking a closer look at our winner their list, matchups and results. 

Over the rest of the week I will cover our second and third place competitors then wrap it up with some event statistics.

 Let's get started, shall we?


First Old World GT // 2000 points // 34 players

Umeå, Sweden

1st - Orcs and Goblins          - Tim Norden Draknästet SK                 WWWWW

2nd  - Wood Elves                 - Per Sigvallius - Warpfuel Gasstation    WLWWW

3rd  - Tomb Kings              - Marcus Persson                                     WWWLW


1ST - Orcs and GoblinsWWWWW -Tim Norden (Draknästet SK 

First of all a massive congratulations to Tim Norden who is the world first GT champion! Going undefeated across the whole event with Orcs and Goblins. Here's the list:

Night Goblin Oddgit [85pts]: Wizard Level 2, Waaagh! Magic
Night Goblin Oddnob [215pts]: General, Wizard Level 4, Waaagh! Magic, Dispel Scroll, Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff
Orc Warboss [340pts]: Shield, Wyvern, Heavy Armour, Venomous Tail, Wicked claws, Heavy Armour, Ogre Blade, Talisman Of Protection
Night Goblin Bigboss [112pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, The Big Red Raggedy Flag, Great Weapon

CORE [953pts] 
Goblin Mobs [41pts]: Skirmishers
10x Goblin [4pts]: Hand Weapon, Shortbow
Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs [70pts]: Feigned Flight, Reserve Move
• 5x Wolf Rider [10pts]: Giant Wolf, Claws and fangs, Hand Weapon, Shortbow
• 1x Standard Bearer [5pts]
Night Goblin Mobs [207pts]:
• 30x Night Goblin [4pts]: Hand Weapon, Shortbow
• 3x Fanatic [75pts]: Fanatic Ball & Chain
• 1x Standard Bearer [5pts]
• 1x Boss [7pts]
Night Goblin Mobs [207pts]:
• 30x Night Goblin [4pts]: Hand Weapon, Shortbow
• 3x Fanatic [75pts]: Fanatic Ball & Chain
• 1x Standard Bearer [5pts]
• 1x Boss [7pts]
Night Goblin Mobs [322pts]: Netters, Magic Standard
• 40x Night Goblin [4pts]: Hand Weapon, Thrusting Spear, Shield
• 3x Fanatic [75pts]: Fanatic Ball & Chain
• 1x Musician [5pts]
• 1x Standard Bearer [55pts]: Banner of Iron Resolve
• 1x Boss [7pts]
Night Goblin Squig Herds [53pts]:
• 1x Squig Herder [3pts]: Hand Weapon
• 5x Cave Squig [50pts]: Huge Gobs
Night Goblin Squig Herds [53pts]:
• 1x Squig Herder [3pts]: Hand Weapon
• 5x Cave Squig [50pts]: Huge Gobs 

SPECIAL [105pts] 
Goblin Bolt Throwa [45pts]: • 1x Bolt Throwa [45pts]: Goblin Crew, Hand Weapon, Bolt Thrower
Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mobs [60pts]: • 5x Squig Hopper [12pts]: Bounder Squig, Huge Gobs, Hand Weapon

RARE [190pts]
Doom Diver Catapult [95pts]:
• 1x Doom Diver Catapult [95pts]: Goblin Crew, Hand Weapon, Stone Thrower
Doom Diver Catapult [95pts]:
• 1x Doom Diver Catapult [95pts]: Goblin Crew, Hand Weapon, Stone Thrower

A very Night Goblin focused list, leaning into a good amount of cheap ranged firepower. Fanatics are the name of the game here, with Tim taking 9 across their 3 units. Fanatics are gaining quite a reputation for being very difficult to deal with and inflicting a lot of damage. We see 2 wizards: one a level 4 and one a level 2. Both draw from Waagh Magic which has some excellent spells and some scary shooting buffs. We also have an Orc Warboss on Wyvern, which is becoming quite a popular choice as a mid-priced manoeuvrable monster which can still hit reasonably hard. I do believe that the Warboss has to be the general, however? Perhaps a list entry mistake. The list is rounded off with the cheap but hilarious Goblin artillery.


Day One:
Round 1 - 17-3 - Win vs Lizardmen - Daniel Ostlund - List
Round 2 - 12-8 - Win vs Beastmen - Peter Walimaa - List 
Round 3 - 20-0 - Win vs High Elves - Mans Borgstrom - List

That wraps up a fairly convincing day with 2 very one-sided games vs the Lizardmen and High Elves (which had a dragon!) and a close game vs Beastmen. 

Day Two:
Round 4 - 14-6 Win vs Tomb Kings - Marcus Persson - List

Day two kicks off with a match against Marcus' 3rd place Tomb Kings force headed by Settra The Imperishable! It's a largely good stuff list with a big block of chariots, a Necrosphinx, a unit of Necropolis Knights and some Tomb Guard. A 14-6 win for Tim's goblins says that the list wasn't too much trouble.

Round 5 - 11-9 Win vs Orcs and Goblins - Marcus Ostling - List

The final game to decide first place is between the two undefeated Orcs and Goblins players, with two very different lists. With Marcus leaning more into black orcs, and larger, harder hitting units. Marcus does still take a unit of Night Goblins for the 3x Fanatics however. Squig Hoppers and Bolt Throwers feature in both lists as well. A much closer game, but with Tim coming out on top they take the crown. Congratulations again!

Lot's to unpack here! Orcs and Goblins have been coming across as quite strong and that appears to be cemented here with Fanatics and Black Orcs showing they can get the job done. Squig Hoppers featuring in both of our top placed lists is perhaps indicative of strength too. 

Some of you may know that I've been curating a database of tournament results at RTT level and above and seeing Orc's and Goblins win our first GT is no surprise; they have been looking very good since the start of The Old World. I'll share more stats soon and I'll be back tomorrow with another write up covering Wood Elves! 


  1. Thanks for posting more content! I appreciate these. I am interested in dwarf lists please!

  2. Thanks for posting the list and analysis. Was wondering if you know how the heroes were deployed?


The First Old World GT - Wood Elves wander into second!

Hey everyone, we're back with our second article covering The First Old World GT. Previously we covered Tim Nordens winning run with Orc...